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Call of Duty UO

EUROPE 5vs5 SD SoloQueue

Our advice to you is to read the rules before playing!
If game doesn't allow in-game voice chat then it is required to join TeamSpeak3 IP: ubts

1 . Maps and sides

- Veto until one map remains.
- Side is picked by the site automatically.

2 . Server settings

- Matches are played on the & CoD BASE UO Servers.
- The correct pam mode is UnitedBase BO3 (rcon pam_mode ub_bo3).

3 . FPSChallenge Anticheat

The FPSChallenge Anticheat is mandatory for all matches and the proper match id must be used. If a player did not use the anticheat, the team gets a forfeit loss.
If the anticheat crashed or did not work as intended, it will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and the decision is up to the admins.

4 . Map list

- Cassino
- German Town
- Hanoi
- Neuville
- Peaks
- Railyard
- Tigertown
- UO Carentan
- UO Dawnville
- UO Depot
- UO Harbor
- UO Powcamp
- UO Stanjel

5 . Time Allowance

- Teams have a maximum of 5 minutes to be ready on server, if its more than 5 minutes, players that are not present on the server are banned and match is cancelled.
- Teams have a maximum of 2 minutes to ready up during half-time (switching sides). Opponent team has to warn the team first and have their own players all in the server and readied up in order to be able to claim a forfeit win.
- If you continue to play the match, you lose the right to open a dispute.

6 . Server crashes

If a server crashes during the round, you have to replay from the beginning of that round.

7 . Disputed, demos

All matches must be recorded (/record) and demos should be kept until 48 hours after the date listed in the match details.
If a dispute gets open, demos should be kept 48 hours after a dispute is solved.
Players have 24 hours to upload the requested demos from the request date
Failure to upload requested demos or uploading demos that are broken or missing will lead into a forfeit loss.

8 . Cheating, bug abuse, illegal scripts, binds

- It's not allowed to have any kind of scripts or vstrs in your config including: up & down scripts, vstr commands, fps binds with values over 250.
- Nadebinds are allowed in accordance with the command provided by UnitedBase admins.
- Excessive clipping, helicopter movement is not allowed.

9 . Discord

To keep up with a community and organise games join the CODUO Discord server: