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Call of Duty 2

EUROPE 1vs1 DM - Wawa SoloQueue

Our advice to you is to read the rules before playing!
If game doesn't allow in-game voice chat then it is required to join TeamSpeak3 IP:

1 . SoloQ wawa 1vs1 DM

- Duration of the match = 15 minutes
- The map will be played on rifle mode, which means no automatic,semi-automatic weapons or nades (pistol is allowed). If you play in a different mode and one of the 2 players report that after the match, then the match will be cancelled.
- The player with the most kills win. If the 2 players have the same amount of kills then it is a draw

- All matches must be played on the FPS Challenge server.If 2 players agree to join other server thats fine but if they don't agree, they must join the fps one.
- Rcon from the server will be visible to both players.
- If one of the players in the pug did not come on server. The match needs to be cancelled and the player who didnt join will be punished.
- If after 5 minutes on the server, one player hasnt join or pressed f, the match is cancelled and the player will be punished (please make sure always to provide info about that with screenshot or record)

Quick how to:
- You join "soloQ" and get put into waiting line
- When there is one more player, you will be asked to ready up (Players have 60 sec to ready up)
- When 2 players accept, the match will be created.
- You join server and play.
- You cant join new queue if you have one or more matches/games on status Ongoing

Normal ladder rules apply for all SoloQ matches

Things that will be punished :
1. Not joining server
2. Leaving early
3. Trolling or disruptive gameplay
4. Server settings abuse
5. Not adding a score after the match
6. Submitting wrong score

Offical FPS Challenge teamspeak
pw: fpschallengecod2

- If you have any questions feel free to contact CoD2 admin on Discord.

2 . Server settings

All standard FPSChallenge ladder matches must be played using the official v1.3 patch.
Minimal version 3.33 of zPAM in competitive mode has to be used.
PAM mode
• Wawa 3D Aim competitive rifle mode

Punkbuster need to be OFF
Antilag need to be OFF

FPSChallenge doesn't support illegal game executable files (cracked), but players may agree to play on them with ready-up.
Players are allowed to provide their own server, as long as it doesn't conflict with any other server rules.
Proposed servers are never binding and are 'suggested' play locations only.
Once a match starts on the suggested server, another player cannot claim 50/50 unless the server has serious ping issues or both players agree that server does not fit to be used or a game server has major problems.
Evidence must be taken of the serious disadvantage (preferably a screenshot with the full line-up and visible pings) caused by the server issues.
Players abusing the rule or failing to provide evidences for their claims will lose a match by forfeit or have their claims discarded.
Unplayed matches will be cancelled if appropriate servers could not be found.
If all players ready-up, they indicate that they accept the following server settings:
• Ping
• Server config
• PunkBuster and streaming status
• PAM mode
• MD5 & CVAR checks

3 . FPSChallenge Anti-Cheat (FPSAC)

In all FPSChallenge CoD2 EU Ladder/SoloQ matches FPSAC must be used.
Each player is responsible for making sure they are running it during a match and have to make sure they enter the correct match ID before starting any match.
In case someone filled in a wrong match ID, they must write the correct match ID in Public/Private discussion within 48 hours after a match was played.
If they fail to do so, they will lose by forfeit.

4 . Demo

All matches must be recorded (/record) and demos should be kept until 48 hours after the date listed in the match details.
If a dispute gets open, demos should be kept 48 hours after a dispute is solved.
Failing to follow these rules will lead to a direct forfeit loss for a team. Player in question will be punished according to Match Ban Policy.

- Note, DM mode does not have automatic record. Don't forget to turn on the record.

In order to officially request a demo you must make a valid demo request :
Players must request a demo by posting a FPSChallenge account of the required player(s) in the match discussion, not in-game.
If a player has a different nickname in-game, you may request a player to use their FPSChallenge nickname.
If you want to request a demo in a dispute, make sure you make a valid demo request in the dispute discussion.
Only first demo request is valid, all other ones will be ignored.

A valid demorequest looks like this: (playerlink + maps) - Toujane & Burgundy

Players have 48 hours to upload the requested demos from the request date
Failure to upload requested demos or uploading demos that are broken or missing will lead into a forfeit loss.
If a demo is missing 3 or more rounds then a forfeit win will be awarded to the opposing team.
Also, if a player is manipulating a demo recording process (e.g. by stopping it in a live match on purpose), all points gained in that period will be awarded to an opponent.
Once the match is completed any remaining demorequests become invalid.

5 . Cheating + bugabuse + verbal abuse + 1vs1 soloq abuse

The installation of any public or private cheat is strictly forbidden and will lead to a Match Ban.
Any form of cheating will be punished, that includes modified PAM / modified files / custom .DLL / etc

It is strictly forbidden to promote any type of cheats.
Such cases will always be considered abuse and rigorous measures will be taken against these players.

Abuse is reviewed case by case.

Any types of scripts (that includes macros) proven to give a real advantage or are part of not allowed binds/scripts below will not be tolerated and will be punished with ban.

Not allowed bind and scripts:
• any "exec" or "vstr" bind (unless they are demorelated)
• any script including "lookdown"
• any bind including "rate" cannot have a value outside 25000
• any bind including "com_maxfps" cannot have a value below 40 or above 250
• any bind including "attack" cannot be combined with any other command
• any bind including "frag" cannot be combined with other commands/binds[/indent]All binds/scripts that are not covered by above not allowed scripts/binds will be reviewed on a case-by-case basic to see if they do give an advantage.

"Clipping" and fast reloading will lead to round loss, if player does it in three or more rounds, forfeit win will be awarded to an opponent. Silent climbing on ladders is allowed, but silent dropping from roof is not, and will lead to the round loss.

Players that have been banned by FPSChallenge are not allowed to participate in any of the FPSChallenge matches.

Any form of cheating that isn't mentioned in the rules will be handled case by case.

If we find 2 players, that are win trading then both players gonna get banned.