. Format(s)
- Bo1, Double Elimination, Finals Bo3
- No third place decider
Quick Cups:
-Bo1, Single Elim, Bo3 Finals
General Rules
- DO NOT be TOXIC. These tournaments are friendly games among the community. Insults, racism, and general toxicity will not be tolerated.
- Teams require a minimum of 5 players to register
- Team tags required AND player in-game names MUST match FPS Challenge
- Captain MUST report map score (example: 13-5)
- FPS AC will be run at all times for every match
. Map pool
- Toujane
- Burgundy
- Dawnville
- Carentan
- Breakout
- Matmata
- Trainstation
- Railyard
. Map Determination
Bo1: ban x2, ban x2, bash, loser pick side (Lower Seed Ban x2, Higher Seed Ban x2 - Bash, winner gets map pick or side - Loser opposite)
Bo3: Lower Seed BAN x2 > Higher Seed BAN x2 > Lower Seed PICK > Higher Seed PICK (Away side pick) > Bash, winner gets map pick or side (Loser picks opposite)
(Higher seed value closer = 1, Lower seed = 16)
. Gameserver determination
- Gentleman's Agreement on servers
- CHI, DFW, KC servers only if GA not determined
- If agreement not reached, bash for map and server (bo3 bash once)
. Gameplay
- Each match is 5v5 on the current PAM (zPAM 3.22) with the shotgun rebalance turned ON.
- 250 FPS cap (NO 333)
- Glitches/jumps are allowed so as long as the player can reach them on their own and with no more than 250FPS
- All players must record
- Teams must field 5 rostered players in the designated server NLT 20 minutes from match start time. If they are unable to field 5 players in the server, the opposing team can choose to continue waiting or receive a FFW.
- Timeouts are authorized one per half for strategizing, player substitutions (1 per map), or disconnects/technical difficulties
. Cheating allegations
- Teams are allowed to dispute opposing players.
- Teams must make cheating disputes within 10 minutes of match completion.
- Cheating disputes will be handled by a select group of community leaders/admins that will form a non-bias anti-cheat council and will consist of a demo review, admin AC review, and player interviews if necessary.
- If a player is confirmed via AC to be hacking or cheating, matches will be overturned and players will be banned or suspended from FPS Challenge events.
. Streaming and broadcast
- Streaming on any platform is encouraged and all are players are authorized to do so
- Streamers MUST have at least a 60 second delay
Captains can report their team's score.