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How to install the anticheat

1. Download FPS Anticheat
Download anticheat using one of the provided download links
Your internet may flag the FPS Anticheat as a potential threat as you can see on this picture: Anticheat browser block Select to keep this file to successfully continue installing the software.
2. Security alerts
Microsoft Defender might trigger some security warnings like these:
Defender block Select the "Show more" option and press "Keep anyway".
Another security alert might trigger when you try to launch the software:
Windows alert Select the "Show more" option and press "Keep anyway".
Last security warning that might occur:
Unknown publisher alert Select the "Run" option.
3. Installation of FPS Anticheat
After a few security checks you should be able to see the FPS Anticheat installer:
Installation You just need to follow a few basic steps and you are done installing.